Key Lime Pie anyone? After last hint of Google’s Android OS found in a benchmark test, it seems like the Key Lime Pie rumor is becoming more and more obvious. Manu Cornet, a Google employee posted on his Google+ account a picture of an Android robot holding a pie, most likely a Key Lime Pie.
The image posted depicts a series of Android robots, in an evolution figure like the human version from the homo sapiens to the modern man each of them holding a piece of the Android codenames. These sweets range from the famous Donut of version 1.6 to the Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean with the last sweet being pictured as a slice of pie.
Pretty self-explanatory to me if you ask me. So there you have it, Key Lime Pie should be Google’s Android next OS version. Rumors are that this new version will be more oriented towards notebooks, just like Honeycomb was geared towards tablets. Interesting isn’t it? We’ll see where Google is going with all this, but you can expect next year to see Android on a whole new set of devices if this is true.