Microsoft is cashing in on Android

Microsoft Windows Phone Operating System is not the most popular right now. According to some studies, it should take the lead before Apple’s Iphone and Google’s Android in the future or eventually…. But don’t you worry, Microsoft is still cashing in big bucks with … Android.


That’s right Microsoft is cashing in money with the sale of every HTC Android device. This comes out of the settlement between HTC and Microsoft regarding patent issues on Android (IP infringement). Actually, HTC pays Microsoft $5 for every Android device it sells. HTC have reportedly sold around 30 million Android devices so far, thus Microsoft is pocketing an estimated $150 million in royalty fees from HTC.
But that’s not all, that is only from HTC, the patent infringement concerns any manufacturers selling Android running devices. Microsoft will also go after Motorola, Samsung, LG, well anyone else using Android.

Apparently, Microsoft could get a settlement between $7.50 to $12.50 per unit for the infringement of Microsoft patents. So HTC got off pretty well.

Ironic, isn’t it? Android is a free Operating System offered by Google. Yet Microsoft sues the manufacturers, as it is easier than to sue Google. In the end, its all about the money…