Google Maps Navigation routes you around traffic

Google’s just released a beta version of its popular app Google Maps 5.2.1 for Android.

In the past Google Maps provided the shortest route to our destination; now it will also take traffic into consideration. The objective of Google Maps is to get us where we want as fast as it can by avoiding traffic, to save us time and everybody else’s time by not adding another car in a traffic jam. The free app also has an assisted voice guide to help us while we drive.

Google maps will route you around traffic according to real-time data and previous historical data. It will let you choose the shortest path between freeway or city road, and in the same time save you some money on gas as it tries to optimize the shortest route. As this is a beta version and road conditions can change any second, Google announced that past performance cannot be guaranteed.

The real-time traffic data and navigation service will first be available in North America and Europe.

Related links

You’ve got better things to do than wait in traffic


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